"XTT" strikes


Heres another chibabomb cheenapok pic which I will graciously share, negative comments or not.

I treasure days like these, when i steal time away from work and enjoy the serenity and solitude, topped up with a little tidying up on the side. I think cleaning grounds me. Obviously its the hypochondriac in me speaking.

Oh oh! Something got me laughing real hard that day! The salon owner told Weiz something when she went to cut her hair one day after me. Super hilarious but I shall keep it to myself. I figured the compliments must be sincere?? If he had wanted to sweet-talk, he would have when I was there. Ok, I can do away with my delusion I know.

And to end off, let me share with you a quote by Mr. Einstein himself.

“Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves.”

Hear that?



Some locks were felled and some people screamed.

But I like it in a weird kind of way. :) beams :)

Twas a good thing the TTT blocked almost half of my face.

and Yes, we do partake in some occasional indulgent activities.

(@ Haagen daz - Viva Mall, with the usual suspects.)

Can you?


Here's a quick one before I dash off to paeds.

Read from this mail that pf sent me wrt judgment making. The author explained to us, rather well, how judgement making has made our lives not as pretty as it can potentially be. However, I have, since time immemorial, developed a second instinct to have comments about stuff, things, events, people etc. So to skip commenting, oh that certainly needs working on. My question now, therefore, is whether its ok to retract judgement once it has been made, i.e, can we UN-judge something? Does it not have to same effect as not judging altogether?

*pondering on the way to school*

Happy Chubby


-建外SOHO. Where I first developed affections for Beijing.

Attachments :)

Cosy Corner
(where I call home--in Beijing)

Outings with a dear friend
(hopping about with the fisheye--ann siang hill)

Forgive even when its hard

The hardest lesson that I've had to learn.

It takes a really big heart to forgive someone who has hurt you. For the longest time, I avoided the topic like taboo, as per most Asian families. When finally some of my feathers was ruffled, I took the bait and said stuff that I shouldn't have.

But time past and the hatred that once engulfed me has faded away.

Now I just want those that I care about so much to be happy. :)