2 pictures and a few words


living room part 1

living room part 2

Yups, people, that's the living room area of the apartment in which I am residing now. And yups again, its kinda cool and nice. The landlord was a very meticulous fellow, I tell you, who went to the extent of wrapping the legs of the chairs with sponge cloth lest the marbled floors suffer from cruel scratches. I will steal more photos from my friends and housemates and adorn my blog with them all over. But for now, these two pics will have to suffice.

On a side note, its really not easy taking pictures with the jelly blue camera! And THANKS to Jas again for the wonderful gift! Mary has been lamenting non-stop cos she got one pink jelly too but she still can't appreciate its functions yet. Oh wells I say give her more time to prove herself k. You really can web-cam with it right! Man, I was so excited when I first got it to work. Woo baby!

Till then,




独在异乡为异客, 每逢佳节倍思亲。
遥知兄弟登高处, 遍插茱萸少一人。

Its funny huh this thing called fate.

When I was studying this poem in st nicks all I had to do was memorize the four lines and that was that. But now as I sit in my room in front of my computer, miles away from sunny Singapore, I feel every single emotion that wang wei wanted to convey.

First post!


Hi everybody! First post in China. Just got my connection the night before, exciting stuffs. I miss home :(

Photos will be coming up real soon.