Till then!


Chinese Commune post in the works. Don't like the photo-loading process though.

The Eight Happy Days Meme #7 & #8

For eight days, you have to write about something that made you happy that day.

This gets increasingly difficult as sometimes things are not as rosy and happy as they should be.

#7 (271208)
1) Enjoying the Christmas performance by xq's group. The fabulous dance aside, what tickled me the most was that the cues for the backstage crew were very audible to the audience. "好了灯光可以下了。" I mean seriously!
2) Getting to talk to paofu (and bbb) online.

#8 (281208)
1) Finally a run after so long. Didn't push myself cause I was overall very down in spirits. And you wonder why. But glad I went anyhow.
2) A hearty brekkie of apples and oats. A surprise match there. Tarty apples and yummy oats, with orange jam to boot!

The Eight Happy Days Meme #4, #5 & #6


For eight days you have to write about something that made you happy that day.

#4 (241208) -- Christmas Eve.
1) Having some quiet me time at home.
2) Talking to family :) :) :)
3) Buying stuff for family (beats spending money on myself hands down!)

#5 (251208) -- Christmas!
1) Shopping at the mini-zoo with mel. Its funny how all the shopping places are called XX园. Weird.
2) Eating McNuggets (was a tad guilty cos its out-of-budget, but hey its Christmas!)

#6 (261208) -- Boxing Day
1) Passable 辩证分析 during internship, although it was for a very generic 鼓胀, but i am happy nonetheless.
2) Received a nice little mandarin orange from laoshi.
3) Cooked a nice little meal. Yums.

The Eight Happy Days Meme #2 & #3


For eight days, you have to write about something that made you happy that day.

#2 (221208)
1) Going to 建外Soho (again) and having a wonderful dinner at Grandma's Kitchen. Thanks to the generosity of a friend, I got to taste the dishes that I wanted to try but couldn't due to pursestrings that was tight. THANKS MY!
2) Sleeping over at MYWZHF's house and getting a taste of waking up early and taking a bus to school.
3) No more fighting with b (for now) :)

#3 (231208)
1) Getting nice fotos out of trusty snowie (my fish-eye, and also how this blog's name came about). He was terribly bruised during the trip to the commune and the climb up to the 野长城.
2) Having a good time enjoying the performances during the class xmas party.
3) Having a good time eating the nice food whipped up by various classmates. Bliss.

The Eight Happy Days Meme #1


For eight days, you have to write about something that made you happy that day.

#1 (211208)
1) Tracing out a poem on the 精选古诗钢笔字帖 which i chanced upon at the bookshop in the 市场. Poems and calligraphy combining their powerful forces -- almost like a dream come true for me.
2) Cooking a meal with mel and receiving good comments. Yea, cooking is kinda fun and the brinjal was yummy. Whoever wants to try can let me know, will be happy to be the chef! Bahaha.
3) Talking to 小姑 on msn. Missed her lots and relieved to know that ah ma had been discharged and fully recovered already.

Its 冬至 today. The temperature's gonna plummet, the winds gonna get stronger. But let's fight it! Winter's supposed to be nice, white and fluffy, but I am having none of it Yet.