The Eight Happy Days Meme #2 & #3


For eight days, you have to write about something that made you happy that day.

#2 (221208)
1) Going to 建外Soho (again) and having a wonderful dinner at Grandma's Kitchen. Thanks to the generosity of a friend, I got to taste the dishes that I wanted to try but couldn't due to pursestrings that was tight. THANKS MY!
2) Sleeping over at MYWZHF's house and getting a taste of waking up early and taking a bus to school.
3) No more fighting with b (for now) :)

#3 (231208)
1) Getting nice fotos out of trusty snowie (my fish-eye, and also how this blog's name came about). He was terribly bruised during the trip to the commune and the climb up to the 野长城.
2) Having a good time enjoying the performances during the class xmas party.
3) Having a good time eating the nice food whipped up by various classmates. Bliss.