Spring is here! (ignore the erratic weather that has turned many of our abodes into real-time freezers fit for storing meat) -- The greens are starting to sprout and flowers are beginning to bloom :) :)
Woke up crazy early on the first day of the "3-day holiday" for these pretty-in-pinks. The flowers were so pretty and the air was just so fresh and clear you wanna take in a few more breaths... until you find yourself nearing the toilets that is. I wanted to capture the cherrypinkies in all their blooming glory, with my lomo lens that is, but in the end, they captured my heart instead.
Just look at the photos. These are but a tip of the iceberg really. They are all credits of wz, who promptly realised, in despair, that her nikon dslr was just a baby lizard amongst all the godzillas of the camera world that also decided to make themselves present that day. Absolutely no opportunity for her to show-off! Haha! Gorillapod also cant find any place to cling on to! I now have a not-so-secret aim to be just like the white-haired ah por who was looking mighty fine carrying a lethal-looking camera with lenses so huge they are almost the length of my forearm! No joke.

And here is me, in my beloved blue leggings, enveloping myself in all the cherry blossomy goodness. Gotta thank wz for taking the picture and also express my utmost apologies for not being able to reciprocate her kindness -- because those pictures that I took of her were just plain crap, thanks to my non-existent dslr skills. What to do, I only own a humble lomo fish-eye. Sorry my friend :(

And to end this post off, I present one of my favourite shot of the day : Sakura carvings
Have a SUPERB SPRING people!
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