I need some loving


Here I am stealing a breather from the suffocating cauldron aka the school. Life's not been too good recently what with the lack of quality sleep and thoughts that are pushing me towards the other end of the spectrum. I miss home like you can never ever imagine. And no it is not temporary. As I was telling a few long lost friends, the furore brought about by a post on fb was like a blow of fresh air into my fast decaying life. I really enjoyed that night although we were like miles apart but everyone feeling the same way about our elementary sch life, that was FANTASTIC. I really missed those times. Really prove the old wives' tales right. Dun hurry to grow up. Growing up sucks (Although I do think growing tall would be kinda cool. I am stunted fyi, hence the comment).

The mind is an amazing entity and I cannot emphasize this point more. "We are halfway there already,", "Surely we can bring something useful back with us after all these," just floats in via the left ear and exits via the right. Not much effect there all these reassurance from various parties. I dunno but I am pretty sure of what I wanna do already. I just need to convince the parents and all other detractors (re: Youli) that I foresee will not hesitate to hamtum me when I finally figure out how to say my peace.

Going for a stretch now. Out!