The Eight Happy Days Meme #4, #5 & #6


For eight days you have to write about something that made you happy that day.

#4 (241208) -- Christmas Eve.
1) Having some quiet me time at home.
2) Talking to family :) :) :)
3) Buying stuff for family (beats spending money on myself hands down!)

#5 (251208) -- Christmas!
1) Shopping at the mini-zoo with mel. Its funny how all the shopping places are called XX园. Weird.
2) Eating McNuggets (was a tad guilty cos its out-of-budget, but hey its Christmas!)

#6 (261208) -- Boxing Day
1) Passable 辩证分析 during internship, although it was for a very generic 鼓胀, but i am happy nonetheless.
2) Received a nice little mandarin orange from laoshi.
3) Cooked a nice little meal. Yums.